Software libre en venezuela linux software

It was created as a solution to cover the needs of the venezuelan government as a response to presidential decree 3,390 that prioritizes the use of free and open source technologies in the public administration. Luigino bracci roa situacion en venezuela recommended for you. In march 14, 2011, canaima was officially established as the default operating system for the venezuelan public administration. Projectlibre is compatible with microsoft project 2003, 2007 and 2010 files. Internet bidez doan edo beste medio batzuetan banaketa ordainduz eskuratu ahal izaten da. This is the spanish version of the originally writen and taped in galician one. The free software foundation fsf states that canaima gnulinux is not 100% free software. Canaima gnulinux is an open source operating system. Canaima gnu linux is an open source operating system. Please note that as of july 2015, this page is no longer being actively updated or maintained.

It is a linux distribution based on the architecture of debian. Aug 06, 2010 educational video about free software. Conocimiento libre linux, open source, iot y nuevas. Foss free and opensource software allows the user to inspect the source code and provides a high level of control of the softwares functions compared to proprietary software. Avances, eventos, formacion, material descargable, noticias, actualidad y seguimiento al software libre en venezuela. Software libre, implicaciones legales, licencias publicas, copyleft. If you want to tape an english or any other language audio, contact us and we.